初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册课件Unit 4 Growing up Period 2 Reading(共56张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 spud webb英语课文翻译 初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册课件Unit 4 Growing up Period 2 Reading(共56张PPT)

初中英语牛津译林版九年级上册课件Unit 4 Growing up Period 2 Reading(共56张PPT)

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(共56张PPT)Unit 4 Growing upPeriod 2 Reading课文呈现ReadingA. Never give up A.永远不要放弃David likes basketball. He is reading an article about Spud Webb, a retired American NBA player. Here is the article. 大卫喜欢篮球。他正在阅读一篇关于美国NBA退役球员斯普德·韦伯的文章。这是文章。B. Spud Webb, the shortest NBA player1. stand (line 8) a. achieve something that you have been trying to do2. national (line 16) b. use facts to show that something is true3. succeed (line 18) c. a place where people stand or sit to watch sports4. scholarship (line 19) d. be important5. prove (line 29) e. of a whole country6. matter (line 30) f. money given to somebody so that he or she can continueceafbdB2. David wrote down some important information on Spud Webb's basketball career. Can you find it in the article on pages 50 and 51 Write the correct letters in the blanks.大卫写下了一些关于斯普德·韦伯篮球生涯的重要信息。你能在第50页和第51页的文章中找到吗?在空白处写出正确的字母a. Spud was named Player of the Year Paragraph 1_____b. Spud got a scholarship from a university Paragraph 2 _____c. Spud scored 20 points in his first game Paragraph 3 _____d. Spud became an NBA player in 1985 Paragraph 4 _____e. small Spud had a big dream Paragraph 5 _____ecabdB3. Simon wants to know more about Spud Webb. He is asking David some plete their conversation with the information in the article.Simon: When was Spud Webb born David: He was born in(1) ___________.1963Simon: Was he very tall David: No. He was(2) ___________ than the other kids at school.much smallerSimon: When did he become an NBA player David: He (3) ___________ the Atlanta Hawks in 1985 and became the (4) ___________ player in the NBA at that time.Simon: What was his proudest moment joinedshortestDavid: He (5) ___________ the Slam Dunk Contest in 1986.Simon: Great! Spud proved that size and body type really don’t (6) ___________. We can do almost anything if we never (7) ___________.wonmattergive upB4. Simon is writing about Spud Webb. Help him find out how Spud did not give up at different stages of his life.1. In junior high, the coach refused to let him play at first because he was too small, but he ____________________.did not lose heart2. In senior high, he often had to sit in the stands because of his height, but he ________________________________________________________________________________.practiced even harder and got the coach to change his mind3. After he graduated from high school, no university would invite him to play basketball because he was only 170 cm tall. He decided _________________________.to play at a junior college4. After he graduated from university, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. He remained _______________________________________________________________________.in another basketball league for about a year before the NBA took notice of him考点精讲①...but he was refused at first because he was too small.refuse /r 'fju z/ vt.& vi. 拒绝,回绝e.g. I invited him, but he refused to come.我邀请他了,但他拒绝来。refuse 的反义词为accept,意为“接受”;say no to 拒绝,与refuse 意义相近。refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事考点1中考在线1:— I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she _______ it.—Maybe she can manage herself.received B. returnedC. refused D. rewardedC【点拨】本题用句意理解法。考查动词辨析。句意:—我向桑迪伸出援助之手。然而,她拒绝了。—也许她自己能解决。receive 收到;return 归还, 返还,回报;refuse 拒绝;reward 奖励,奖赏。句中“However 然而”表示转折,用动词refuse 表示“拒绝”。故选C。②He did not lose heart.lose heart 泄气, 灰心Mike has lost his heart to Kate.迈克已经爱上了凯特。lose 的过去式、过去分词都是lost ,名词形式是loss 。lose one’s heart to sb.=fall in love with sb.,意为“倾心于某人, 爱上某人”。考点2与lose 相关的短语:lose one’s way 迷路lose weight 减肥lose one’s temper发脾气lose interest失去兴趣中考在线2:No matter how hard your situation is, you had better _________________ (别灰心).【点拨】本题用词语运用法。had better not do sth. 最好不做某事;lose heart 泄气,灰心。not lose heart③...he was named Player of the Year in Texas.What’s your name 你叫什么名字?This kind of behaviour gives him a bad name.这种行为使他背上骂名。Can you name all the plants in this garden 你能说出这个花园里所有植物的名称吗?考点3name 的一词多义:n. 名字n. 名声, 名誉vt. 说出……的名字vt. 任命;委任simply /'s mpli/ adv. 仅仅; 简直It’s difficult to get interesting teaching materials simply written. 写得简单有趣的教学材料是很难获得的。simply 的形容词形式为simple,意为“简单的”。考点4中考在线3:—Maria, have you seen that article about the touch-screen computer in Monday’s paper [云南]—Yes. It tells us how to use the computer _______.A. slowly B. silently C. simply D. gentlyC【点拨】本题用句意理解法。句意:—玛丽亚,你看过星期一报纸上那篇关于触摸屏电脑的文章吗?—看过了,它告诉我们如何 使用计算机。slowly 慢慢地;silently 默默地;simply 简单地;gently 轻轻地。由生活常识可知,触屏电脑可以使操作更简单。故选C。返回④As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.vi. 成功She succeeded in inventing the new machine.她成功地发明了新机器。succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事考点5中考在线3:I believe I will _____________ in passing the English exam. (成功)【点拨】succeed in doing sth.“成功做某事”,为固定搭配。succeed⑤Although he was a great player at university...conj. 尽管,虽然Although there are still many difficulties ahead,we are determined to make greater achievements.尽管在前面还有许多困难,但是我们决心要取得更大的成就。He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。考点6Although Tom was old, but he worked hard. (×)Although Tom was old, he worked hard. (√)Tom was old, but he worked hard. (√)中考在线5:__________ she is very young, she can take good care of herself. [铁岭、葫芦岛]A. If B. UnlessC. Since D. AlthoughD【点拨】本题用句意理解法。考查连词的用法辨析。句意:虽然她很年轻,但她能很好地照顾自己。if 如果;unless 除非;since 自从……以来,由于;although 尽管,虽然。由句意可知要用although 引导让步状语从句。故选D。⑥After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league. vt. 强迫,迫使forceful adj . 强有力的;坚强的force sb. to do sth.强迫某人做某事考点7The president was forced into resigning.总统被迫辞职。Don’t force your views on others.不要把你的看法强加于人。force sb. into sth./doing sth.迫使某人做某事force...on/upon sb.把……强加给某人中考在线6:Mr Yang couldn’t catch the last bus, so he was f _______ to walk home. [恩施]orced⑦He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.(重点、难点)remain 用作连系动词,意为“仍然;依旧”,其用法为:vi. 逗留;保持不变考点8(1) remain 后接名词。In spite of their quarrels,they remained best friends.他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。(2) remain 后接形容词作表语。He remained silent. 他保持沉默。(3) remain 后接介词短语。He had to remain in hospital until he was better.他不得不住院直到身体好些。(4) remain 后接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作,接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down. 虽然我们三番五次让她坐下,可她还是站着。The situation remained unchanged. 局势依然未变。中考在线7:The plane ________ on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.ran B. movedC. shook D. remainedD【点拨】本题用词语辨析法。句意:飞机因为恶劣的天气而停留在地面上有两个多小时了。run“跑;跑步”;move“移动”;shake“摇晃;震动”;remain“保持;逗留”。励志语:No road is too long to be measured by feet. No mountain is too high to be conquered by man. 没有比人更高的山,没有比脚更长的路。返回考点9matter通常用于否定句和疑问句,句中常常含有what, who, if等词。It doesn’t matter if I miss the train, because there’s another one later.我要是误了这趟火车也不要紧,因为晚些还有一趟呢。Does it matter a great deal to her whether they come or not 他们是否来,这对她很重要吗?中考在线8:Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What _______ most is how you see yourself. [新疆]drinks B. mattersC. cares D. mindsB【点拨】本题用把握语境法。考查动词辨析。句意:不要在意那些嘲笑你的人。最 _____ 的是你如何看待你自己。drink 饮用、喝;matter 要紧,有重大影响;care 在意,关心;mind 介意。分析语境可知,本句指“最重要的是你如何看待自己。”故选B。课堂小结








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